کلیه کتابخانه های نرم افزار آردینو و توضیحات مختصر آنها
Examples from the libraries that are included in the Arduino software.
Bridge Library (for the Arduino Yún)
- Bridge: Access the pins of the board with a web browser.
- Console ASCII Table: Demonstrates printing various formats to the Console.
- Console Pixel: Control an LED through the Console.
- Console Read: Parse information from the Console and repeat it back.
- Datalogger: Store sensor information on a SD card.
- File Write Script: Demonstrates how to write and execute a shell script with Process.
- HTTP Client: Create a simple client that downloads a webpage and prints it to the serial monitor.
- Process: Demonstrates how to use Process to run Linux commands.
- Shell Commands: Use Process to run shell commands.
- Temperature Web Panel: Post sensor data on a webpage when requested by a browser.
- TimeCheck: Get the time from a network time server and print it to the serial monitor.
- WiFiStatus: Runs a pre-configured script that reports back the strength of the current WiFi network.
- Yun Serial Terminal: Access the Linux Terminal through the serial monitor.
- MailboxReadMessage: Send text messages to the Arduino processor using REST API through a browser.
Temboo examples The Temboo website has a section dedicated to the reference of the Temboo library and examples contained inside the Arduino IDE. See this page for more information.
Spacebrew examples There are a number of examples for Spacebrew on the Yún included in the software. For more on Spacebrew, see the project documentation pages.
Linux tips&tricks
- Pacakage Manager : How to install additional software on the Yún.
- Expanding Yún disk space: How to expand the Yún disk space using an SD card.
EEPROM Library
- EEPROM Clear: Clear the bytes in the EEPROM.
- EEPROM Read: Read the EEPROM and send its values to the computer.
- EEPROM Write: Stores values from an analog input to the EEPROM.
Esplora Library
Esplora Beginner examples
- EsploraBlink : Blink the Esplora's RGB LED.
- EsploraAccelerometer : Read the values from the accelerometer.
- EsploraJoystickMouse : Use the Esplora's joystick to control the cursor on your computer.
- EsploraLedShow : Use the Joystick and slider to create a light show with the LED.
- EsploraLedShow2 : Use the Esplora's microphone, linear potentiometer, and light sensor to change the color of the onboard LED.
- EsploraLightCalibrator : Read the values from the accelerometer.
- EsploraMusic : Make some music with the Esplora.
- EsploraSoundSensor : Read the values from the Esplora's microphone.
- EsploraTemperatureSensor : Read the temperature sensor and get the temperature in in Farhenheit or Celsius.
Esplora Expert examples
- EsploraKart : Use the Esplora as a controller to play a kart racing game.
- EsploraTable : Print the Esplora sensor information to a table format.
- EsploraRemote : Connect the Esplora to Processing and control the outputs.
- EsploraPong : Play Pong with the Esplora using Processing.
Ethernet Library
- ChatServer: Set up a simple chat server.
- WebClient: Make a HTTP request.
- WebClientRepeating: Make repeated HTTP requests.
- WebServer: Host a simple HTML page that displays analog sensor values.
- BarometricPressureWebServer: Outputs the values from a barometric pressure sensor as a web page.
- UDPSendReceiveString: Send and receive text strings via UDP.
- UdpNtpClient: Query a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server using UDP.
- DnsWebClient: DNS and DHCP-based Web client.
- DhcpChatServer: A simple DHCP Chat Server.
- DhcpAddressPrinter: Get an IP address via DHCP and print it out.
- TelnetClient: A simple Telnet client.
Firmata Libraries
GSM Library
GSM Examples
- Make Voice Call: Get your shield to make phone calls from the Serial Monitor.
- Receive Voice Call: Check the status of the modem while getting voice calls.
- Send SMS: Use the Serial Monitor to type in SMS messages to different phone numbers.
- Receive SMS: Read SMS messages and prompt them to the Serial Monitor.
- Web Client: Download the content of a website to your Arduino board through GPRS.
- Web Server: Create a wireless web server through GPRS.
GSM Tools
- Test Modem: Read the IMEI of your modem.
- Test GPRS: Test the proper functionality of the GPRS network using your SIM card.
- GSM Scan Networks: Check for the available networks.
- Pin Management: Manage the PIN number of your SIM card.
- Band Management: Manage the band the GSM shield connects to.
- Test Web Server: Create a webserver with your GSM shield.
LiquidCrystal Library
- Hello World: Displays "hello world!" and the seconds since reset.
- Blink: Control of the block-style cursor.
- Cursor: Control of the underscore-style cursor.
- Display: Quickly blank the display without losing what's on it.
- TextDirection: Control which way text flows from the cursor.
- Scroll: Scroll text left and right.
- Serial input: Accepts serial input, displays it.
- SetCursor: Set the cursor position.
- Autoscroll: Shift text right and left.
Robot Library
- Logo - Tell your robot where to go through the on-board keyboard.
- Line Following - Draw a racing track and get your robot to run on it.
- Disco Bot - Turn your robot into an 8-bit jukebox and dance to the beat.
- Compass - Plan a treasure hunt with this digital compass.
- Inputs - Learn how to control the knob and the keyboard.
- Wheel Calibration - Tune the wheels to perform even better.
- Runaway Robot - Play tag with your robot using a distance sensor.
- Remote control - Reuse that old tv-remote to command the bot on distance.
- Picture browser - Want to use your own images? This is how.
- Rescue - Train your robot to look for hidden pearls in a maze.
- Hello User - Hack the robot's welcome demo and make your own.
- Calibrate Compass? - Calibrate the compass module so it rotates evenly(for old models, using Honeywell HMC 6352).
SPI Library
- BarometricPressureSensor: Read air pressure and temperature from a sensor using the SPI protocol.
- SPIDigitalPot: Control a AD5206 digital potentiometer using the SPI protocol.
Servo Library
Software Serial Library
- Software Serial Example: How to use the SoftwareSerial Library...Because sometimes one serial port just isn't enough!
- Two Port Receive: How to work with multiple software serial ports.
Stepper Library
- Motor Knob: Control a highly accurate stepper motor using a potentiometer.
TFT Library
- Esplora TFT Bitmap Logo: Read an image file from a micro-SD card and draw it at random locations.
- Esplora TFT Color Picker: Using the joystick and slider, change the color of the TFT screen.
- Esplora TFT Etch a Sketch: An Esplora implementation of the classic Etch-a-Sketch.
- Esplora TFT Graph: Graph the values from the light sensor to the TFT.
- Esplora TFT Horizon: Draw an artificial horizon line based on the tilt from the accelerometer.
- Esplora TFT Pong: A basic implementation of the classic game.
- Esplora TFT Temperature: Check the temperature with the onboard sensor and display it on screen.
- TFT Bitmap Logo: Read an image file from a micro-SD card and draw it at random locations.
- TFT Display Text : Read the value of a sensor and print it on the screen.
- TFT Pong: An Arduino implementation of the classic game.
- Etch a Sketch: An Arduino version of the classic Etch-a-Sketch.
- Color Picker: With three sensors, change the color of the TFT screen.
- Graph: Graph the values from a variable resistor to the TFT.
Wire Library
- SFRRanger_reader: Read a Devantech SRFxx ultra-sonic range finder using I2C communication.
- digital_potentiometer: Control a AD5171 digital pot using the Wire Library.
- master reader/slave sender: Set up two (or more) arduino boards to share information via a master reader/slave sender configuration.
- master writer/slave reader: Allow two (or more) arduino boards to share information using a master writer/slave reader set up.
WiFi Library
- ConnectNoEncryption : Demonstrates how to connect to an open network
- ConnectWithWEP : Demonstrates how to connect to a network that is encrypted with WEP
- ConnectWithWPA : Demonstrates how to connect to a network that is encrypted with WPA2 Personal
- ScanNetworks : Displays all WiFi networks in range
- WiFiChatServer : Set up a simple chat server
- WiFiWebClient : Connect to a remote webserver
- WiFiWebClientRepeating: Repeatedly make HTTP calls to a server
- WiFiWebServer : Serve a webpage from the WiFi shield
Android Accessory Library
Arduino as ISP Programmer
ArduinoISP Turns your Arduino into an in-circuit programmer to re-program Atmega chips. Useful when you need to re-load the bootloader on an Arduino, if you're going from Arduino to an Atmega on a breadboard, or if you're making your own Arduino-compatible circuit on a breadboard.
For a huge list of examples from the Arduino community, see the interfacing with hardware page on the playground wiki. Also see the list of old examples.