گروه مکاترونیک دانشگاه آزاد کاشان

وبلاگ تخصصی دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد مهندسی مکاترونیک دانشگاه آزاد کاشان

گروه مکاترونیک دانشگاه آزاد کاشان

وبلاگ تخصصی دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد مهندسی مکاترونیک دانشگاه آزاد کاشان


Examples from the libraries that are included in the Arduino software.

Bridge Library (for the Arduino Yún)

  • Bridge: Access the pins of the board with a web browser.
  • Console ASCII Table: Demonstrates printing various formats to the Console.
  • Console Pixel: Control an LED through the Console.
  • Console Read: Parse information from the Console and repeat it back.
  • Datalogger: Store sensor information on a SD card.
  • File Write Script: Demonstrates how to write and execute a shell script with Process.
  • HTTP Client: Create a simple client that downloads a webpage and prints it to the serial monitor.
  • Process: Demonstrates how to use Process to run Linux commands.
  • Shell Commands: Use Process to run shell commands.
  • Temperature Web Panel: Post sensor data on a webpage when requested by a browser.
  • TimeCheck: Get the time from a network time server and print it to the serial monitor.
  • WiFiStatus: Runs a pre-configured script that reports back the strength of the current WiFi network.
  • Yun Serial Terminal: Access the Linux Terminal through the serial monitor.
  • MailboxReadMessage: Send text messages to the Arduino processor using REST API through a browser.

Temboo examples The Temboo website has a section dedicated to the reference of the Temboo library and examples contained inside the Arduino IDE. See this page for more information.

Spacebrew examples There are a number of examples for Spacebrew on the Yún included in the software. For more on Spacebrew, see the project documentation pages.

Linux tips&tricks

EEPROM Library

  • EEPROM Clear: Clear the bytes in the EEPROM.
  • EEPROM Read: Read the EEPROM and send its values to the computer.
  • EEPROM Write: Stores values from an analog input to the EEPROM.

Esplora Library

Esplora Beginner examples

Esplora Expert examples

  • EsploraKart : Use the Esplora as a controller to play a kart racing game.
  • EsploraTable : Print the Esplora sensor information to a table format.
  • EsploraRemote : Connect the Esplora to Processing and control the outputs.
  • EsploraPong : Play Pong with the Esplora using Processing.

Ethernet Library

Firmata Libraries

GSM Library

GSM Examples

  • Make Voice Call: Get your shield to make phone calls from the Serial Monitor.
  • Receive Voice Call: Check the status of the modem while getting voice calls.
  • Send SMS: Use the Serial Monitor to type in SMS messages to different phone numbers.
  • Receive SMS: Read SMS messages and prompt them to the Serial Monitor.
  • Web Client: Download the content of a website to your Arduino board through GPRS.
  • Web Server: Create a wireless web server through GPRS.

GSM Tools

LiquidCrystal Library

  • Hello World: Displays "hello world!" and the seconds since reset.
  • Blink: Control of the block-style cursor.
  • Cursor: Control of the underscore-style cursor.
  • Display: Quickly blank the display without losing what's on it.
  • TextDirection: Control which way text flows from the cursor.
  • Scroll: Scroll text left and right.
  • Serial input: Accepts serial input, displays it.
  • SetCursor: Set the cursor position.
  • Autoscroll: Shift text right and left.

Robot Library

  • Logo - Tell your robot where to go through the on-board keyboard.
  • Line Following - Draw a racing track and get your robot to run on it.
  • Disco Bot - Turn your robot into an 8-bit jukebox and dance to the beat.
  • Compass - Plan a treasure hunt with this digital compass.
  • Inputs - Learn how to control the knob and the keyboard.
  • Wheel Calibration - Tune the wheels to perform even better.
  • Runaway Robot - Play tag with your robot using a distance sensor.
  • Remote control - Reuse that old tv-remote to command the bot on distance.
  • Picture browser - Want to use your own images? This is how.
  • Rescue - Train your robot to look for hidden pearls in a maze.
  • Hello User - Hack the robot's welcome demo and make your own.
  • Calibrate Compass? - Calibrate the compass module so it rotates evenly(for old models, using Honeywell HMC 6352).

SPI Library

Servo Library

  • Knob: Control the shaft of a servo motor by turning a potentiometer.
  • Sweep: Sweeps the shaft of a servo motor back and forth.

Software Serial Library

Stepper Library

  • Motor Knob: Control a highly accurate stepper motor using a potentiometer.

TFT Library



  • TFT Bitmap Logo: Read an image file from a micro-SD card and draw it at random locations.
  • TFT Display Text : Read the value of a sensor and print it on the screen.
  • TFT Pong: An Arduino implementation of the classic game.
  • Etch a Sketch: An Arduino version of the classic Etch-a-Sketch.
  • Color Picker: With three sensors, change the color of the TFT screen.
  • Graph: Graph the values from a variable resistor to the TFT.

Wire Library

WiFi Library

Android Accessory Library

Arduino as ISP Programmer

ArduinoISP Turns your Arduino into an in-circuit programmer to re-program Atmega chips. Useful when you need to re-load the bootloader on an Arduino, if you're going from Arduino to an Atmega on a breadboard, or if you're making your own Arduino-compatible circuit on a breadboard.


For a huge list of examples from the Arduino community, see the interfacing with hardware page on the playground wiki. Also see the list of old examples.

Writing examples

Here's a style guide that helps with writing examples for beginners.
Ebrahim Shahnazi

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