دومین کنفرانس بین المللی اینترنت اشیاء ، کاربردها و زیر ساخت
چهارشنبه, ۲۸ آذر ۱۳۹۷، ۰۸:۲۱ ق.ظ

سطح برگزاریبین المللی
محورهای همایش
Enabling Technologies
- Low power and energy harvesting sensors
- Wireless Technologies,WSN
- IoT networking Protocols
- IoT Data Management Solutions and Platforms,Streaming Data Management
- Network Design and Architectures for IoT
- Mobile Technologies/Services for IoT
- Machine to Machine Communications (M2M/MTC)
- Efficient Protocols for Resource-Constrained Networks (Energy Efficiency,Spectrum Efficiency,etc.)
- Future Internet and IoT
- Embedded Systems
- IoT Firmwares and Operating Systems
- Security,Privacy-Preserving and Trust Mechanisms for IoT
- Network Management and IoT
- Intelligent Systems for IoT
- 3D printing/scanning
- Advanced Object Identification and Localization
IoT Services and Applications
- Web of Things
- IoT Platforms and Middlewares
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality,human-to-object and object-to-object interactions
- IoT and Security Management Services
- Things-Centric,Service-Centric and Data-Centric Architecture
- Location Aware/Context Aware Services and IoT
- IoT and eHealth
- Smart City
- Smart Environments,Environment Monitoring
- Intelligent Transportation,VANETs and IoV
- Smart Grids
- Smart Home,Building Automation and Management
- Industrial IoT and I4
IoT and Computing
- Cloud Computing and IoT
- Fog Computing and IoT
- Edge Computing and IoT
IoT and Data Science
- IoT Data Analytics,Big Data
- Semantic Data and IoT
- Smart Data
- IoT and Social Networks
- Deep Learning,Learning From BigData
Enabling Technologies
- Low power and energy harvesting sensors
- Wireless Technologies,WSN
- IoT networking Protocols
- IoT Data Management Solutions and Platforms,Streaming Data Management
- Network Design and Architectures for IoT
- Mobile Technologies/Services for IoT
- Machine to Machine Communications (M2M/MTC)
- Efficient Protocols for Resource-Constrained Networks (Energy Efficiency,Spectrum Efficiency,etc.)
- Future Internet and IoT
- Embedded Systems
- IoT Firmwares and Operating Systems
- Security,Privacy-Preserving and Trust Mechanisms for IoT
- Network Management and IoT
- Intelligent Systems for IoT
- 3D printing/scanning
- Advanced Object Identification and Localization
IoT Services and Applications
- Web of Things
- IoT Platforms and Middlewares
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality,human-to-object and object-to-object interactions
- IoT and Security Management Services
- Things-Centric,Service-Centric and Data-Centric Architecture
- Location Aware/Context Aware Services and IoT
- IoT and eHealth
- Smart City
- Smart Environments,Environment Monitoring
- Intelligent Transportation,VANETs and IoV
- Smart Grids
- Smart Home,Building Automation and Management
- Industrial IoT and I4
IoT and Computing
- Cloud Computing and IoT
- Fog Computing and IoT
- Edge Computing and IoT
IoT and Data Science
- IoT Data Analytics,Big Data
- Semantic Data and IoT
- Smart Data
- IoT and Social Networks
- Deep Learning,Learning From BigData
محورهای همایش
برگزار کنندگان: دانشگاه اصفهان
مهلت ارسال چکیده مقالات:
مهلت ارسال متن کامل مقالات: 15 دی 1397
تاریخ برگزاری همایش: 28 و 29 فروردین 1398
مهلت ارسال چکیده مقالات:
مهلت ارسال متن کامل مقالات: 15 دی 1397
تاریخ برگزاری همایش: 28 و 29 فروردین 1398
سایت همایش: conf.ui.ac.ir/iot2019
تلفن تماس دبیرخانه: ۳۷۹۳۴۰۲۹-۰۳۱
آدرس دبیرخانه: اصفهان- خیابان هزار جریب- دانشگاه اصفهان - دانشکده مهندسی کامپیوتر - طبقه سوم - اتاق ۳۳۴
محل برگزاری: اصفهان - دانشگاه اصفهان
ایمیل: iot2019@res.ui.ac.ir
تلفن تماس دبیرخانه: ۳۷۹۳۴۰۲۹-۰۳۱
آدرس دبیرخانه: اصفهان- خیابان هزار جریب- دانشگاه اصفهان - دانشکده مهندسی کامپیوتر - طبقه سوم - اتاق ۳۳۴
محل برگزاری: اصفهان - دانشگاه اصفهان
ایمیل: iot2019@res.ui.ac.ir